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The “Big Bang Theory” and the “Creation” have a lot more in Common than not!

Just to refresh my memory, I Googled the Big Bang Theory. This is what I found: 

The Big Bang Theory is our best guess about how the universe began. 

The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation for how the universe began. Simply put, it says the universe as we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched — first at unimaginable speeds, and then at a more measurable rate — over the next 13.8 billion years to the still-expanding cosmos that we know today. 

Existing technology doesn't yet allow astronomers to literally peer back at the universe's birth, much of what we understand about the Big Bang comes from mathematical formulas and models. Astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background. 

That must be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. So, is the universe just an open space without end and ever expanding? 

If that were the case wouldn’t everything, including earth, our sun and moon, have already floated away? 

I know what you are thinking, gravity is keeping everything in place.  

According to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, what we human beings call the “universe” is inside a planet and what we call “gravity” is equal pressure in space, and atmospheric pressure here on Earth.  

According to the big bang theory, “the universe as we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched.” 

According to the bible, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 

I know most people that “believe,” believe that God is this all seeing, all knowing and omnipotent individual when in fact, the word God in the Hebrew language means plural of a deity, that is, more than one deity: 

El-o-heem’ - gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used in the plural. 

Heaven is not this place in the sky or outer space, it’s shaw-meh' - to be lofty and earth or ‘erets, in Hebrew, is to be firm, it doesn’t mean the planet Earth. 

So, our best guess about how the universe began, the leading explanation that it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point, that hot and dense single point would have been wherever that earth, something firm, was located in the lofty or heaven when two or more deities said, “let there be light” which is something infinitely hot. 

And God said, let there be light: and there was light. 

I’d say the big bang theory was a great hypothesis. Although, it leaves a lot to be desired, for instance, in the statement, “astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background.”  

Isn’t it necessary for something to bounce off something else to be an echo? 

Echo - sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener. 

The bible has more to say about the creating of the universe, which I find interesting. 

While the “Big Bang Theory” leaves one guessing, the bible paints a clear and detailed picture of how and with what the universe was made. 

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 

In the verse above are the ingredients for making a universe. Of the ingredients listed, the Spirit of God may need defining. 

We already know that in the Hebrew language the word God is two or more deities, so let’s define the word, Spirit. 

Spirit – wind; by resemblance {breath} that {is} a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively {life} anger. 

A sacred secret of the King James Version of the Holy Bible is: 

Whenever a word is spelled with a capital letter for no apparent reason that word should be understood as being a spirit and that that word is being spoken of anthropomorphically. 

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object. 

The word God is also a spirit and spoken of anthropomorphically. 

With that said, the word Spirit, spelled with a capital “s” for no apparent reason, of God, is that which gives life to all things that have life. 

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:2) 

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